5 Marketing Hacks That Will Help You More Than a $200k Marketing Degree

1. Visual Depiction Effect

People buy products that they can see themselves using. Make your products look ready to use.


2. Exclude people with your marketing, rather than attract.

  1. Zone in one message, one goal, one mission.
  2. Filter out people that are not a good fit.
  3. Only speak to your true ideal customers.


3. You don't have to be everywhere. Show up in one place and be exceptional.

Many marketers will have you believe you need be everywhere, this leads to stress and burnout.

  1. Focus on one platform
  2. Hone your craft and master the platform.
  3. You'll attract more than enough customers to make a 6+ figure business.


4. Rather than market to your ideal customers. Market to who they want to be.

People desire achieving who they want to be, rather than who they are.

Reflect this life in your brand and marketing to draw customers to your brand.


5. Successful brands create mental ownership inside their customer's mind

  1. First they use a trigger word, such as "Imagine".
  2. They paint an ideal scenario inside their customers mind.
  3. They couple it with strong emotional associations to sell their product.


Example: Imagine the look on all your friend's faces as you walk into the bar wearing this watch. How will you feel when you notice everyone feels a little jealous that you own this watch and they don't?



Want to start making money with your luxury brand? - Check out our best-selling brand building book here

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere


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