How Apple’s Marketing Gets You to Pay $1000+ for an iPhone

1. Apple Marketing Strategies Appeal to Our Emotions

We use products like iPhones to signal to other people "who we are". 

Psychologists call this behaviour self-signaling and it’s an incredibly powerful marketing lever. 

2. Apple Believes in Simplicity

The iPhone is shiny, sleek, and perfectly proportioned.

Its minimalist design and product-focused marketing are a sensory experience created to drive desire for the iPhone. 

It’s down to a psychological principle called the Simplicity Theory. 

3. Masters of Status

The combination of innovation, style, and desire makes the iPhone a status symbol .

Trying to attain status is a powerful driver of human behavior. 

4. We Want What We Can’t Have

Apple knows that the psychological and economic principle of Scarcity is a powerful driver of desire, so they stoke the flames of doubt in their biggest fans.

5. The Psychology of Price

 Price is one of the indicators that something might be high quality.

Making the iPhone expensive is a part of Apple’s strategy to drive demand because the high price makes people feel like it’s a status symbol.

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Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere


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