This Underrated Marketing Strategy Will Change Your Life

I'm going to show you my call to action formula that has generated 10,000+ leads and converted hundreds of customers in less than 30 days:

1. Always start with why

Make your CTA's benefit-oriented. This gives people a reason to take action.

2. Include a bold promise

Be bolder than a benefit and take it to the next level.

Tell people that taking action now will see even greater impact in the long term.

3. Provide a specific timeframe

Being time-specific provides an element of certainty to your request.

4. Keep it to a small request.

Asking people to take too many actions is stressful. Keep it simple to see better conversions.

5. Gain bitesize commitment 

Jumping straight into a request for a sale on social media is like playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun. 

- Ask for a little

- Build familiarity and trust

- Gain bitesize commitment

- Ask for more slowly through email

- Gain the sale

Want to start making money with your luxury brand? - Check out our best-selling brand building book here

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere


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