Easy Tricks To 10X Your Content Interactions

Asking won't get people to interact with your content.

Rather than asking, become persuasive and rock people's world.

Here's how to make it happen:

For more likes

1. Avoid being vague or confusing. Be clear and specific

2. Blow their minds with a stunning cover

3. Use an image people haven't seen before

4. Create a content style like no one else

5. Tell a joke in your content, get some laughs

6. Use relevant memes

7. Use a cool content theme (pirates, superheroes)

For more comments

1. Speak to your reader (Use you, your, and you've)

2. Use easy to answer questions

3. Use a relatable experience

4. Provide a huge list, ask "what was your favourite?"

5. Make friends that want to talk with you!

6. Post a conversation starter in your comments

7. Interact with others

For more shares

1. Inspire your reader using emotions

2. Get your reader to think deeper by diving deeper

3. Cover a topic people haven't seen covered

4. Use relatable and memorable quotes

5. Challenge popular beliefs and...

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Stop Selling With Your Content

No one is ever going to buy from your content alone...

After seeing posts like: Content ideas for a year, 5 marketing hacks, brand colours to inspire - "I'm going to buy now", said no one...ever!

Your content's sole purpose is to attract.

It is to nurture, inspire, and to showcase the type of person you are.

Your personality attracts more people to your community.

Your community increase the reach of your content.

And breaks down the barrier of uncertainty when your ideal client finally show up.

Your content nurtures the need for you but it doesn't sell.

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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5 Steps To Using Effective Storytelling In Your Content

Storytelling has the power to significantly boost the engagement of your content.

If your audience connects with your story, it's much easier to convert them to your lifetime fans.

Here's how to use effective storytelling in your content:

1. Daily life stories

Add your daily life stories in your content (only relevant ones).

2. Show your uniqueness

In what way do you stand-out from others and how is it different? Show your weirdness, that's what makes you unique!

3. Connect your stories

Connect your audience's pains, goals, and desires with your stories and make it emotional.

4. Write as if you're talking

Write as if you're talking to a friend and make it interesting.

5. Use a strong CTA

Stories are the best way to sell. Don't forget to add a strong CTA at the end.

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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The Only Trick You Need To Create Valuable Content

I used to waste a lot of time trying to be memorable.

Using all the cheap tricks gurus told me: hook your audience, tell better stories, create great content.

Until I realised there was a far easier way.

Just be consistent!

Consistently wanting to improve your craft.

Consistently playing a part in your audience's lives.

Consistently being present to help your audience.

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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How To Win People's Hearts With Your Content

Your audience's hearts must be won with your content, it it's not doing so, it's not effective.

Wanna win peoples hearts with your content? Here's how:

Step 01:

Have a clear goal. What is the tasty outcome your audience will achieve through reading your content?

Step 02:

Emphasis on the outcome! Do your audience want this?! Ask yourself this and answer objectively.

We are all guilty of creating content at one point for selfish reasons, but if no one else needs it, they have no reason to read!

Step 03:

Trigger words are keywords that are jam-packed with emotion. You can find a long list of these keywords by searching them online, but I'm going to cover the keywords people DON'T talk about. These words are "Friends" "Mum" "Dad".

These words have the strongest emotional response because they are linked to people we ALL LOVE. Use these words in your headlines and tell a relevant story that's related to the solution you want to provide and watch your views skyrocket.

Step 04:

Infuse your...

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The Only Trick You Need To Create Valuable Content

Image Credits: Freepik

I used to waste a lot of time trying to be memorable.

Using all the cheap tricks gurus told me: hook your audience, tell better stories, create great content.

Until I realised there was a far easier way.

Just be consistent!

Consistently wanting to improve your craft.

Consistently playing a part in your audience's lives.

Consistently being present to help your audience.

Want accountability and be consistent with your marketing efforts?  Click here to join our private community of 300+ creators (only winners allowed inside).

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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Why Hashtags Don't Grow Brands

Image Credits: Freepik

Hashtags won't attract people to your page.

Don't get me wrong, hashtags are amazing. The problem with hashtags is they force us to put all our focus on a number.

And we forget where our focus should be.

We can blame other factors for our lack of reach. Or we can put our focus back into the process.

The process of creating content worth interacting with.

The process of serving our cutomers regularly.

The process of building trust and winning hearts over time.

Hashtags serve you for the short-term. Building your brand is a focus for the long-term.

Want to build a brand that thrives long-term?  Click here to join our private community of 300+ creators (only winners allowed inside).

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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Grabbing Attention is Killing Your Brand

Image Credits: Freepik

Grabbing attention is deadly!

Have you ever passed a child in a supermarket...

Crying because their mum wouldn't buy that cookie.

They try every trick in the book to grab attention!

If I drop on the floor and scream...

It never works out well. No one wants to be shouted at.

Noisy content always repels your audience.

People desire feeling understood, genuine interactions and creating a coonection.

Content that seeks attention will gain no affection.

Creat content that seeks connection.

Want to create a connection with your audience?  Click here to join our private community of 300+ creators (only winners allowed inside).

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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6 Things Creators Never Realise About Sales

Image Credits: Freepik

1. You can't do it all alone

If you want your business to grow, your team must grow too.

2. Working hard doesn't guarantee any results

You can work really hard and still achieve no results, because you are doing bad your work.

3. Each piece of content must have one purpose only

If you're trying to grow your followers and make sales from one post, you won't achieve either.

4. People do not buy your content, they buy you

If you want to have clients, sell your personality and the emotion of working with you.

5. Instant gratification content can destroy your business

You may feel the hit of sweet dopamine while you get great engagement from posts designed to "appeal momentarily" to your audience, but, you certainly ain't memorable.

6. Sales won't just come!

There's a lot more needed than just posting content, here's a few things:

  1. You need to have daily conversations.
  2. You need to balance content creation together with lead generation.
  3. Over-delivering will...
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Stop Selling With Your Content

Image credits: Freepik

No one is ever going to buy from your content alone...

After seeing posts like: Content ideas for a year, 5 marketing hacks, brand colours to inspire - "I'm going to buy now", said no one...ever!

Your content's sole purpose is to attract.

It is to nurture, inspire, and to showcase the type of person you are.

Your personality attracts more people to your community.

Your community increase the reach of your content.

And breaks down the barrier of uncertainty when your ideal client finally show up.

Your content nurtures the need for you but it doesn't sell.

Want to learn how to attract and convert your ideal client?  Click here to join our private community of 300+ creators (only winners allowed inside).

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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