Here are 5 phrases you should NEVER say in Sales!

There are certain phrases which will make or break a deal.

With over 1000 deals closed, I want to teach you what to say instead...

1. Let me give you a discount.

Discounts devalue your work. 

If you want to give a discount, do this instead:

'We do reward loyalty, therefore, if you sign for 6+ months, we will give you a special rate with 10% off.'

2. Not sure you can afford it.

Never assume anything in Sales.

Instead, ask this:

What is an investment you have set aside for a project like this one? (it will give you an idea of their estimated budget).

Next one is shocking.

3. I have the best product.

How do you know?


No one cares! - Tell them about tangible benefits instead.

  • What do they stand to gain from working with you?

4. We can start when you want.

Clients prefer to be guided with precision.

Choose a few dates and make a suggestion! Save this:

  • 'Hey James, once payment is processed, we will begin work on Monday.'

5. You are not right!

Please stop arguing with...

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7 things that helped me make more money online

1 Understanding who would pay for my solution

The easiest way to make more money is identifying people who have a problem they want to solve, then offering a solution to it!

2 Posting consistently on Social Media

The more you post, the more you are seen, therefore, the more money you can make!

-consistently doesn't mean daily, but yes, I do post daily-

3 Learning from competitors who are ahead of me

The first people I followed were my 'competitors' who were doing better than me.

I analyzed everything they do, used their strengths and didn't repeat their mistakes!

4 Build systems in place which allow me to grow, sell and have free time

You need templates, clearly mapped funnels & even scripts to help you!

5 I collaborated with creators who I admire

Collaborating allows you to:

  • Learn more.
  • Get in front of more people.
  • Have more fun.

6 Learnt to have more fun even when I had less likes :)

Distant yourself from the results. Focus

on the action you take, not the results...

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Things I wish I knew at 18 to get to 100k faster

1 Focus on your goals. The parties will still be there when you made your dreams come true

Don’t get distracted!

2 When you stop learning, you get left behind. Never stop educating yourself.

If you don’t invest in yourself, don’t expect others to do so either.

3 Discipline, consistency, and perseverance will take you places motivation never could.

Read it again.

4 Two traps you need to avoid:

  • Caring what they think
  • Wondering if they care

5 Disappear for 6 months, set clear goals, do a ton of deep work… get 1% better each day.

The results will come, it’s a matter of time now.

Want to start making money with your luxury brand? - Check out our best-selling brand building book here

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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3 Unique Tips To Sell Yourself Better

1. Know your audience 

  • Who are you selling yourself to? 
  • What do they care about? 
  • What are their pain points? 

If you can answer these questions, you'll be able to craft a much more effective sales pitch.

2. Be clear and concise 

Don't try to overwhelm your prospect with too much information. 

Keep your message focused and to the point. Confusion leads to breaking a sale.

3. Be confident

If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. 

Sell yourself with confidence and conviction, and people will be more likely to buy into what you're saying.

Want to start making money with your luxury brand? - Check out our best-selling brand building book here

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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Would you like to know the best way to start a sales call?

This has guaranteed me an average of 87% closing ratio!

9 out of every 10 deals is mine

Many people start their conversations with a 

'Hey, what's up, this my offer'

Other people start their conversations talking about the weather...

Unless you are selling them an umbrella... save that one for later!

Both of these ways will lead to a 'No, thank you'.

Your prospect cares about unique treatment & understanding, not generic scripts & salesy techniques...

Step 1

Build rapport the right way!

  • Instead of talking to a common for all people topic (the weather), find a unique interest you share with the prospect & an opportunity to complement them!

'Jamesss, did you catch the football game yesterday? - Man, I told you we were gonna win'.

'Elle, before we dive in, that post you made yesterday... WOW! - It was amazing!

Step 2

Transition into business.

  • Making the prospect talk about something they love, before talking about something more serious, opens the door to their...
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The 7 Millionaire Skills We Wish We Knew At 18

If you are remotely serious about your success, read until the end.

These skills will get you 10 years ahead of 96% of the people:

1. Eliminating negativity

Learn to avoid negativity every day.

  • Stop hanging with negative people.
  • Stop watching the news.
  • Stop focusing on problems.    
  • Start surrounding yourself with winners.
  • Start focusing on solutions.
  • Start your day with gratitude.

2. High-income money skills

These 5 skills guarantee that you will 

make a lot of money:

  • Sales
  • Design
  • Copywriting
  • Video editing
  • Automations master

3. Key soft skills

Soft-skills allow you to connect better with people. Here are 5 irreplaceable soft skills:

  • Empathy (understanding people's emotions)
  • Communication (persuasion & listening)
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership and confidence
  • Self-Control under pressure

4. Self-control and self-love

You need to know what your body and mind is asking you for.

If you can't control yourself, how will you control your life?


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5 Underrated Skills to Close All Deals

Sales is a skill composed by many other skills

These S will get you ahead of the 96% of other sales people:


1. Empathy

Being able to understand how people truly feel it's powerful.

If you master empathy, you will know exactly what to offer people.


2. Listening in detail

Capturing important details by actively listening is key.

Often times, leads will tell you exactly what they need. If you listen closely, you will offer exactly that.



The ability to convince people to trust what you are saying.

Mastering persuasion will allow you to live a better life in general.

Every day, we try to persuade people to believe something is good or bad.

Start doing it intentionally.


4. Psychophysiology and lie detection

I graduated in Psychophysiology - the understanding between mind and body.

Best decision of my life.

While working 6+ years in lie detection, I am now capable of predicting what people will say or do in given situations.


5. Emotional...

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5 Unique Tips to Close More Sales Fast

1.Use the assumptive close

Whenever asking for a payment at the end of your sales calls, do NOT do this:

•   Wanna start work? Do you like it?

• Instead, assume that they will work with you, and give them 2 options. Both options favourable to you.

"Which package would you like to invest in? A or B?"


2. Use the, no-risk, full benefit close

Lay out all the benefits of your programme, and add a guarantee on top.

Only then, reveal the price and ask:

How would you like to pay, paypal or card? 


3. Same boat, row ahead close

Present someone who was in the exact same situation as them. Then showcase their transformation, and say:

"Rob was in the exact same situation as you, he was looking for X, Y and Z. Fast forward 3 months after, those are his results. If you are looking for similar results, let's start Monday" 


4. You are privileged close

Make them see that the sole reason of them being able to afford your service, is a...

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5 Sales Trust Words You Need to Know

In Sales, for people to buy, they need to trust you

Use the following sales trust words to make more money quicker!


1.Prospect's name

Nothing sounds better to the ear, than a person's own name.


2. Secure

People need security in order to trust you, make sure they have it.

Example: 'Yes Dave, I will make sure to secure you a place'. 


3. Proven

Buyers want to be part of something which is proven, as this gives them security that it indeed works.
Example: This is a service with a proven track-record Mark!


4. Assure

  1. tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts.

The definition of the word says it all


5. Results

If there's something people care to see is results, make sure you use this specific word to earn their trust.

Example: Yes Claire, I can assure you that with this proven strategies, we will achieve the desired results.



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The 3 Skills You Need to Develop to Sell More

A Thread You Must Read...


1. Confidence

If you don't trust yourself, why would buyers do so?

Building confidence is essential for business and sales.
Here are my 2 favourite ways to do it...........

- Practice your sales process and delivery. 

This will help you to gain confidence.

- Get results.

Once you see that you are capable of delivering your service with excellence, your confidence will increase!


2. Empathy

If you are incapable of understanding the situation of your leads, you won't be able to close the deal.
Understanding and tackling exactly what troubles them, will help you make sales.

Spend 24 hours in agreement with other people. Just try it out.

Agree to everything.

This exercise will help you practice your listening and empathy.


3. Persuasion

If you want people to buy from you, help them understand WHY should they?

This is where persuasion is essential.

Mastering persuasion will help you to showcase better your service &...

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