5 Questions for ANY Business to Attract Premium Customers

Many new businesses try to get in front of too many people...

 This is a mistake

A message that speaks to everyone has your audience looking like: 

When you try to reach everyone, no one feels spoken to.

Define ONE person and address them in your marketing message >>>

Prompts to define your ONE ideal customer:

  • What is your ideal customers current situation?
  • What is their dream state?
  • What is the unknown part of the problem keeping them from their dream state?
  • How does your product/service solve their problems?
  • How does your product/service carry them to their dream state?

One message that resonates with 1,000 customers is more effective than a thousand different messages that reach none.

The best way to attract premium customers

1 Start with one customer

2 Know what their life looks like

3 Know what they aspire to achieve

4 Position your product as a bridge. By using marketing yo communicate your brand takes your customer from current...

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Would you like to know the best way to start a sales call?

This has guaranteed me an average of 87% closing ratio!

9 out of every 10 deals is mine

Many people start their conversations with a 

'Hey, what's up, this my offer'

Other people start their conversations talking about the weather...

Unless you are selling them an umbrella... save that one for later!

Both of these ways will lead to a 'No, thank you'.

Your prospect cares about unique treatment & understanding, not generic scripts & salesy techniques...

Step 1

Build rapport the right way!

  • Instead of talking to a common for all people topic (the weather), find a unique interest you share with the prospect & an opportunity to complement them!

'Jamesss, did you catch the football game yesterday? - Man, I told you we were gonna win'.

'Elle, before we dive in, that post you made yesterday... WOW! - It was amazing!

Step 2

Transition into business.

  • Making the prospect talk about something they love, before talking about something more serious, opens the door to their...
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How Appleโ€™s Marketing Gets You to Pay $1000+ for an iPhone

1. Apple Marketing Strategies Appeal to Our Emotions

We use products like iPhones to signal to other people "who we are". 

Psychologists call this behaviour self-signaling and it’s an incredibly powerful marketing lever. 

2. Apple Believes in Simplicity

The iPhone is shiny, sleek, and perfectly proportioned.

Its minimalist design and product-focused marketing are a sensory experience created to drive desire for the iPhone. 

It’s down to a psychological principle called the Simplicity Theory. 

3. Masters of Status

The combination of innovation, style, and desire makes the iPhone a status symbol.

Trying to attain status is a powerful driver of human behavior. 

4. We Want What We Can’t Have

Apple knows that the psychological and economic principle of Scarcity is a powerful driver of desire, so they stoke the flames of doubt in their biggest fans.

5. The Psychology of Price

 Price is one of the indicators that something might...

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The 7 Deadly Sins That Will Keep You Poor

1 Not selling because you are scared to sound salesy

 Salesy isn't even a word in the dictionary.

 There is no definition for it. It's a made up thing to keep you poor.

 If you have an offer that helps people, then start promoting it!

2 Not searching for clients daily

If you are not actively searching for clients, you won't make money.

Just because you have clients today, doesn't mean you will tomorrow.

Dedicate 30 minutes every day to start new conversations.

3 Not trusting yourself or the product you sell

 You can't sell a product to a stranger, if you don't believe in it.

 The lack of confidence will keep you poor.

4 Not being consistent

 You can't give your everything 1 day, then sleep for a week.

 Show up as often as you can, but never quit.

5 You don't have an irresistible offer

 If your offer doesn't have 10x the value in relation to the price, change it.

 An irresistible offer has considerable less risk...

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5 Marketing Psychology Techniques That Make Your Customers Buy

1. People don't like being told what to do. Try asking more questions. 

 Asking questions gives your customers a choice. Meaning your customers are far more likely to take action. 

2. Create a common enemy in your marketing so that your customers feel understood. 

People advocate for brands with a clear enemy. 

It makes customers feel like you're on their side. 

Most importantly, it makes customers feel heard.

3. Use the small daily equivalence effect. 

Break down your product/service price to a daily amount.

Compare your offer to a low cost commodity, like a cup of coffee for instance. 

This makes your product sound less costly, therefore easier to buy.

4. Use the many small "yes-es" technique. 

Try getting your customers to say yes to something small first. 

Slowly work your way to more expensive options.

5. Use the Endowment effect.

People place a higher value on something that they've made themselves or contributed to...

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The 7 Millionaire Skills We Wish We Knew At 18

If you are remotely serious about your success, read until the end.

These skills will get you 10 years ahead of 96% of the people:

1. Eliminating negativity

Learn to avoid negativity every day.

  • Stop hanging with negative people.
  • Stop watching the news.
  • Stop focusing on problems.    
  • Start surrounding yourself with winners.
  • Start focusing on solutions.
  • Start your day with gratitude.

2. High-income money skills

These 5 skills guarantee that you will 

make a lot of money:

  • Sales
  • Design
  • Copywriting
  • Video editing
  • Automations master

3. Key soft skills

Soft-skills allow you to connect better with people. Here are 5 irreplaceable soft skills:

  • Empathy (understanding people's emotions)
  • Communication (persuasion & listening)
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership and confidence
  • Self-Control under pressure

4. Self-control and self-love

You need to know what your body and mind is asking you for.

If you can't control yourself, how will you control your life?


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5 Psychological Tricks To Win More Customers

1. Appeal to emotional attachments.

- Speak about your target audience friends, family or loved ones.

- Use scenarios that relate to the goals your customers wish to achieve with their loved ones

This creates a sense of relatability and understanding with your brand.

2. Appeal to your customers fundamental need to belong.

- Build your brand around a specific audience.

- Find a group of people that would benefit most from what you offer.

- Show the life they want to live & the people they want to associate with.

This appeals to humans psychological need to belong.

3. Appeal to your customers fundamental need for safety.

- Have a guarantee/money back policy in place.

- Customers need to feel they can trust you.

Customers want to know their investment with you is safe. Alleviate any uncertainty.

4. Appeal to your customers fundamental need for control.

- Give your customers a choice in what you have to offer.

- Always offer more than one solution

 Only offering one option...

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5 Reasons Why Your Business Isn't Growing

1. You're pitching your product too soon

This keeps clients running away from you.

Instead, ask quality questions to understand exactly what they need.

Then provide solutions according to those needs.


2. You're only talking about you when reaching out to potential clients

If you want to convert more leads into clients, be a really good listener.

Allow them to express their frustration, as often times, they will communicate exactly what they want from you.


3. You're not following-up with value

80% of all deals require 6 to 12 points of contact in order for people to buy from you.

Follow-up is essential, and you need to do it by adding value to the customer:

"Just checking in to see what's up!

"I saw this article that I thought would be useful to you, let me know if you like it? "


4. You're not asking quality questions on sales calls

Talking about the weather it's great, but ineffective when it comes to business.

Instead, ask questions which help...

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3 Psychological Marketing Tips To Influence Your Customers

1. People don't like to be told what to do. Try asking more questions

Save this post!
Will you save this post?

This reinforces the idea that saving must be a good idea. It gives people a choke


2. Create an enemy to create your brand's tribe

People advocate for brands with a clear enemy.
By creating a common enemy you tap into your customers need to get their voice heard

Nike's enemy is doing nothing.

Apple's enemy is a lack of innovation


3. Use the "Small Daily Equivalence" effect

Break down your product or service price daily
Compare it to a low cost commodity (like a cup of coffee)

This makes your product look more affordable.


Want to start making money with your luxury brand? - Check out our best-selling brand building book here

Robert & Alek
CEO Sphere

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5 Underrated Skills to Close All Deals

Sales is a skill composed by many other skills

These S will get you ahead of the 96% of other sales people:


1. Empathy

Being able to understand how people truly feel it's powerful.

If you master empathy, you will know exactly what to offer people.


2. Listening in detail

Capturing important details by actively listening is key.

Often times, leads will tell you exactly what they need. If you listen closely, you will offer exactly that.



The ability to convince people to trust what you are saying.

Mastering persuasion will allow you to live a better life in general.

Every day, we try to persuade people to believe something is good or bad.

Start doing it intentionally.


4. Psychophysiology and lie detection

I graduated in Psychophysiology - the understanding between mind and body.

Best decision of my life.

While working 6+ years in lie detection, I am now capable of predicting what people will say or do in given situations.


5. Emotional...

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